about me

Paige’s love for performing sparked when she was 6 years old making her debut as the baby mouse in Ogonquit Playhouse’s, Cinderella. From then  on, it was no looking back. Growing up in the Washington D.C area, she was able to hone her skillset amongst the vibrant theater scene, and then went on to The University of Miami to continue her studies. Here, she graduated with a BA in Musical Theater, and triple minors in Education, Public Health and English. When her West End debut was cancelled due to COVID-19, she pivoted and spent a gap year in Hawaii, working on a sustainable farm and teaching virtual acting classes for budding artists (from a treehouse, of course.) Now, she is living in NYC. Performing, actively auditioning, and working an array of side gigs— her most notable being when she coordinated and organized Puma’s NYFW show as an Executive Assistant. While not on stage, or sprinting around the city in her favorite pair of heels — you can find Paige thrifting for eccentric vintage pieces, working on her children’s book “Putting the art in heART”, planning her next travels,  or advocating for social and political change.